Multimedia Producer,, 2008

A friend of mine was doing an internship at and she recommended me when they needed a good photo editor to come and help them out during the Olympics. I was at a point where I was looking for a job and it seemed like a good opportunity, so I went out to Seattle to do the job for five weeks.

I worked for the Media Team as a Multimedia Producer. It was a well-organized operation and I really liked everyone I worked with there. My job was specifically to do the ‘Emotional Moments’ slideshows for the Beijing Olympics.

I worked 6 days a week and I started the slideshow every day. After I left for the day, someone else took over updating the slideshow and then depending on time and the news, it could be updated many times during the 24 hours by anyone else who had time.

I was trained before the Olympics by working the regular Daily News shift, so I monitored the request dropbox and completed requests from a variety of different departments from,, and

I also created several slideshows, which helped prepare me for doing the Olympics slideshow. I also captured screen shots from the live NBC feed for breaking news using their Avid system.

Here are the direct links to all of the slideshows that I did:

August 2008: Total Eclipse of the Sun

Opening Ceremonies: Olympics 2008

Emotional Moments, Day 1

Emotional Moments, Day 2

Emotional Moments, Day 3

Emotional Moments, Day 4

Emotional Moments, Day 5 (Day off)

Emotional Moments, Day 6

Emotional Moments, Day 7

Emotional Moments, Day 8

Emotional Moments, Day 9

Emotional Moments, Day 10

Emotional Moments, Day 11

Emotional Moments, Day 12 (Day off)

Emotional Moments, Day 13

Emotional Moments, Day 14

Emotional Moments, Day 15

Emotional Moments, Day 16

Closing Ceremonies: Olympics 2008

Best of the 2008 Olympics

Hurricane Gustav, Day 1

2008 Democratic National Convention, Day 4
